Camping in Bear Country? Here’s How to Keep Bears Away from Your Campsite

Enjoy the great outdoors while keeping your safety and peace of mind a priority! Be sure to stay bear-aware when camping in an area with bears.

Follow our comprehensive guide on how to minimize these risks, from understanding bear behaviors and food storage tactics, right through to what you should do if you encounter one whilst out in nature.

Our tips are designed for any possible situation; so join us as we go over all aspects required for a secure yet enjoyable outdoor experience – let’s get started now!

When camping in a bear-infested country it is vital that you take the necessary steps to minimize the risk of bear attacks.

By keeping your campsite clean and free of food odors, ensuring that all rubbish is stored in a secure container, hanging all food away from sleeping areas, and making noise while hiking, you can help avoid any unwanted contact with bears.

It is also important to bear-proof your sleeping and cooking areas and to set up an electric fence around your tent if necessary. Finally, always keep your campsite clean and never leave unattended food or rubbish outdoors.

By taking these tips into consideration, you can be better prepared for camping in a bear-infested country and minimize the risk of a bear attack. With these tips in mind, you can ensure your safety and enjoy an enjoyable outdoor experience.


Avoiding Encounters with Bears

When hiking in bear country, it’s important to make noise and keep your distance to avoid surprising or threatening a bear. Additionally, storing food and scented items properly can help prevent bears from being attracted to your campsite.

Be Aware of Your Surroundings

One of the most important steps you can take to avoid bear encounters while camping is to be aware of your surroundings. Learn about the local bears in the area, and look out for any signs of bears such as tracks, droppings, and claw marks on trees.

By being aware of your surroundings and making noise, you can minimize the risk of an unexpected encounter with a bear. Additionally, it’s important to educate yourself on bear behavior so you can remain calm and know how to react if you ever come across one while camping.

With these steps in mind, you can ensure a safe and enjoyable outdoor experience.

Make Noise as You Hike

Making noise as you hike is an effective way to avoid bear encounters while camping. Bears are typically shy animals and will usually flee when they sense humans nearby, so it’s important to make plenty of noise as you travel through the wilderness.

Talk loudly or sing a song to alert any bears that may be in the area, and carry bells with you to increase your chances of alerting bears of your presence. Additionally, it’s important to educate yourself on bear behavior so you can anticipate their reactions and be prepared in case of an encounter.

By following these steps, you can ensure a safe and enjoyable outdoor experience.

Making Your Campsite Unappealing to Bears

To make your campsite unappealing to bears, it’s important to properly store all food and scented items in bear-resistant containers or hung from a tree. Additionally, avoid cooking or eating in your sleeping area, as the smell of food can attract bears.

unappealing compsite

Bear-Proof Your Sleeping & Cooking Area

Keeping bears out of your sleeping and cooking areas is an important step in making campgrounds unattractive to bears.

Make sure all food, drinks and rubbish are stored in bear-proof containers or jars and stored away from the campsite at night. Avoid leaving scented items such as toothpaste, shampoo and deodorant outdoors and check to ensure that all food scraps have been disposed of properly.

It is also important to remember that bears are attracted to food odors, so it is vital to ensure that your campsite is free from any such odors.

By following these steps you can minimize the risk of bear encounters and ensure you have a safe and enjoyable outdoor experience.

Store Food in a Bear-Proof Container

Storing food in bear-proof containers is an important step in making your campsite unattractive to bears. Invest in a secure container that will deter small animals and other pests, as well as large predators such as bears.

Ideally, the container should be odour-proof and able to withstand strong winds and other environmental conditions. Make sure that you never leave food or any scented items outdoors and check to ensure that all food scraps have been disposed of properly.

It is also important to remember that bears are attracted to food odours, so it is vital to ensure that your campsite is free from any such odours.

By taking these steps into consideration, you can minimize the risk of encountering bears and ensure you have a safe and enjoyable outdoor experience.

Dispose of Waste Properly

Effective garbage disposal is a vital step in keeping your campground unappealing to bears. Make sure that any food scraps and other garbage are disposed of in a bear-proof container, and that the container is securely secured after each use.

It is also critical to ensure that no food or fragrant objects are left outside, as well as that no food leftovers or other garbage is left behind. Bears are drawn to food odors, so make sure your campsite is free of them.

By taking these precautions, you can reduce your chances of seeing a bear and have a more pleasant outdoor experience.

Food Safety Tips for Campers Living in Bear Country

Food safety tips are an essential part of camping in bear country.

  • Make sure you store all food, drinks and rubbish in bear-proof containers or cans and store them away from the campsite at night.
  • In addition, it is important to never leave any scented items such as toothpaste, shampoo and deodorant at the campsite.
  • Also, try to avoid leaving food scraps and remember that bears are attracted to food odours, so it is vital to ensure your campsite is free from any such odours.

By following these steps, you can minimize your risk of a bear encounter and make sure you have a safe and enjoyable outdoor experience.


What to Do If You Encounter a Bear While Camping

If you encounter a bear while camping, it’s important to remain calm and avoid startling the bear. Slowly back away while speaking calmly and firmly to the bear, and do not make direct eye contact. If the bear charges, stand your ground and use bear spray or other deterrents if available.

Remain Calm and Stay Still

If you encounter a bear while camping, the first thing to remember is to remain calm and stay still.

Making sudden movements or loud noises can startle the bear and cause it to become defensive, so it’s important to take slow, deep breaths and avoid any sudden movements.

Additionally, back away slowly if the bear does not seem too interested in you, and make sure to avoid eye contact.

With these steps in mind, you can minimize your risk of a bear encounter and make sure you have a safe and enjoyable outdoor experience.

Don’t Run Away or Make Any Sudden Movements

If you encounter a bear while camping, it’s important to remember not to run away or make any sudden movements. Running can trigger the bear’s instinct to chase and will likely result in an attack.

Instead, try to remain still and back away slowly without turning your back on the bear. Additionally, never attempt to approach or corner the animal.

It’s also important to make yourself appear as large and intimidating as possible by raising your arms and speaking in a firm, calm voice.

With these steps in mind, you can minimize your risk of a bear encounter and make sure you have a safe and enjoyable outdoor experience.

Speak Softly in a Low Tone of Voice

To ensure a safe and enjoyable camping trip, always remain aware of your surroundings in bear country. Be sure to use soft tones when speaking aloud so as not to threaten the animal – it’s best practice to be calm yet assertive while avoiding direct eye contact with any potential predators.

With these tactics implemented, you can help mitigate encounters and make for an unforgettable experience!

Slowly Back Away From the Bear

  • If you encounter a bear while camping, it’s important to slowly back away from the bear and avoid any sudden movements. Avoid direct eye contact with the bear as this may be seen as a sign of aggression.
  • Additionally, move away from the area in as straight a line as possible – do not run or attempt to outrun it.

With these steps in mind, you can minimize your risk of a bear encounter and make sure you have a safe and enjoyable outdoor experience.

Finally, if the bear begins to approach or charge, remain to stand and fight back using any available objects like rocks or sticks.

With these steps in mind, you can minimize your risk of a bear encounter and make sure you have a safe and enjoyable outdoor experience.

Follow the Bear’s Behavior and Reaction

  • If you encounter a bear while camping, it’s important to follow the bear’s behavior and reaction.
  • If the bear stands on its hind legs, do not panic as this may be a sign of curiosity rather than aggression.
  • Additionally, if the bear begins to move away from you, slowly back away in the same direction – avoid any sudden movements and make sure to keep an eye on the bear.

Following these steps can help you to remain calm and reduce your risk of a bear encounter, ensuring that you have a safe and enjoyable outdoor experience. With these steps in mind, you can minimize your risk of a bear encounter and make sure you have a safe and enjoyable outdoor experience.

running bear

A Guide to Bear-Proofing Your Campsite

Before camping in bear-prone areas, it’s important to bear-proof your campsite.

  • Make sure all food is stored securely and out of reach from bears, and that you only cook outside if absolutely necessary.
  • Additionally, make sure all garbage is disposed of properly as this can attract bears and other wildlife.
  • Finally, keep campfires small and contained, and be sure to put them out before leaving the area.

With these steps in mind, you can minimize your risk of a bear encounter and make sure you have a safe and enjoyable outdoor experience.

By following the advice in this article, you can reduce your chances of seeing a bear when camping in bear territory. This involves speaking calmly and assertively, cautiously backing away from the bear if it approaches, properly storing food, disposing of rubbish, and keeping campfires modest.

By adopting these steps, you can assure a safe and pleasurable bear-country camping experience. With these precautions in place, you may reduce your chances of seeing a bear while also having a safe and pleasurable outdoor experience.


While camping in bear country, you can assure a safe and pleasurable outdoor experience by taking the required safety precautions and following common-sense rules. By being informed and proactive, you may lessen your chances of seeing a bear while still having a fun outdoor time.

With these precautions in place, you may reduce your chances of seeing a bear while also having a safe and pleasurable outdoor experience.

Happy camping!