Cat Peeing On Bed:Why And How To Solve It?

cat and bed

As a cat owner, one of the most vexing experiences is discovering your cat peeing on bed, especially if it happens while you’re asleep. Imagine waking up to that unmistakable odor of cat urine on your bed!

Sometimes, your cat might even boldly urinate on your bed while you’re watching. This behavior naturally leads you to question why your feline friend is acting this way.

Rest assured, it’s not a spiteful act against you. There are several reasons why your cat might choose your bed as a restroom, and fortunately, there are effective strategies to address this exasperating issue.


Addressing health concerns as a priority

The initial step when your cat suddenly alters its litter habits is to book a vet visit. At times, a hidden health issue might be causing your cat to urinate outside its designated area. Several medical conditions could be involved, so ensure your cat undergoes a thorough checkup.


Stress is a common factor

Your cat’s emotional well-being could be triggering this behavior. Stress or anxiety might lead to this undesirable practice, stemming from a sense of insecurity. The stress might arise from various changes in the household, like new furniture arrangements, a baby’s arrival, relocation, or altered work routines. Other pets or external cats might also be stressors.

cat tree

To build her confidence and reduce stress, introduce elements like cat trees and condos, providing her with elevated spots. Engaging in regular play strengthens your bond and helps her expend energy. Consider outdoor adventures with a cat harness or engaging in clicker training. Consistent bonding time is crucial.


Evaluating litter box Issues

Your cat’s discomfort with its litter box might be prompting it to choose your bed instead. It’s recommended to have one litter box per cat, plus one extra, placed in various quiet locations.

Experiment with different box types, including covered, uncovered, large, small, and those with open sides for easy access.

Try various litter types to determine your cat’s preference. Outdoor soil mixtures might appeal to former outdoor cats, while cats with long fur may prefer crystal litter over clay. Options range from pine to fragrance-free litter, with varying preferences for clumping or non-clumping types. Experiment with little depth and maintain cleanliness.


Your cat might seek to blend his scent with yours

Your cat peeing on the bed might be an attempt to merge his scent with yours, or with anyone else who shares your bed. This behavior isn’t out of spite but rather a sign of wanting to establish a communal bond. If you’re frequently away, your cat may crave more connection.

cat sleeping on bed

The presence of a new person in your bed could make your cat feel slightly insecure, leading him to reaffirm his belonging to the group. Increasing playtime can help alleviate this feeling.


Addressing the Root Causes

To tackle the issue, identify and remove any triggers. If a particular blanket attracts your cat, removing it might help. Placing a litter box close to the bedroom or altering sleeping arrangements could be beneficial, though the latter might increase your cat’s anxiety. Strengthen your bond through more playtime, and consider offering treats on the bed, as cats usually avoid urinating where they eat.


Cleaning Cat Urine from Bedding

Effectively cleaning bedding is crucial to prevent repeat incidents. Promptly clean any affected areas with products specifically designed for cat urine. Enzyme-based cleaners are effective as they neutralize the acid in cat urine. Avoid ammonia-based products, as their scent resembles cat urine.

cleaning bedding for cat peeing on bed

Rinse the affected bedding area with cool water, blotting rather than scrubbing. Wash the bedding with detergent and baking soda or cider vinegar, possibly adding enzyme cleaner for a second wash if the scent persists. Air-drying the bedding is essential; avoid heat as it can set the smell. Repeat washing may be necessary to fully eliminate the odor.

Ensure you also clean any affected areas of the bed frame, floor, and potentially the mattress, using the same cleaning method.

Remember, your cat’s behavior isn’t malicious or spiteful. It’s a sign that something is amiss. Avoid reprimanding your cat harshly, as this can exacerbate feelings of insecurity.

Instead, consult your veterinarian and apply the strategies in this guide. With patience, understanding, and love, you can collaboratively find a solution and restore your cat’s tranquility.


How to Train Your Cat to Stop Peeing on Your Bed

In addition to the steps already outlined, training your cat not to pee on your bed is an important aspect of solving this issue. Here are some additional tips to help you guide your cat away from this behavior:

  • Positive Reinforcement: Cats respond well to positive reinforcement. Whenever your cat uses the litter box correctly, reward them with treats, affection, or playtime. This will encourage them to repeat the behavior.
  • Cat Harness Training: Using a cat harness for outdoor adventures can be a great way to stimulate your cat’s mind and reduce stress, which is often a cause of inappropriate urination. Start by allowing your cat to get used to the harness indoors. Gradually increase the time they spend in it, offering treats and praise. Once they’re comfortable, take short trips outside, gradually increasing the duration.
  • Discourage Bed Access: Temporarily restrict your cat’s access to the bed. You can do this by closing the bedroom door or placing something on the bed that makes it less appealing, like a plastic sheet.
  • Use Deterrent Sprays: There are sprays available that deter cats from certain areas. These can be sprayed around your bed to discourage your cat from approaching.
  • Consistency in Routine: Cats are creatures of habit. Keeping a consistent daily routine for feeding, playtime, and litter box maintenance can provide a sense of security and reduce stress-related behaviors.
  • Litter Box Accessibility: Ensure the litter box is always accessible, clean, and placed in a quiet, private area. If your cat feels comfortable with their litter box, they are less likely to choose your bed.
  • Attention and Playtime: Increased attention and playtime can help reduce your cat’s stress and strengthen your bond. Engaging in activities your cat enjoys can redirect their energy away from undesirable behaviors.
  • Training Sessions: Incorporate short, consistent training sessions using clickers or commands to encourage desired behaviors. This can also help in redirecting their focus and providing mental stimulation.



Addressing the issue of your cat peeing on bed requires a multifaceted approach. Understanding the underlying reasons, whether they be medical, stress-related, or due to litter box preferences, is crucial.

Implementing strategies such as regular vet check-ups, stress reduction through play and cat harness training, and optimizing the litter box environment are essential steps.

Additionally, direct training methods, including positive reinforcement, limiting access to the bed, and using deterrents, can be highly effective. It’s important to remember that your cat’s behavior is not out of malice but a form of communication.

With patience, empathy, and consistent effort, you can resolve this challenging situation and maintain a harmonious living space for both you and your feline companion.