The 10 Best Survival Gear Items to Pack in Your Bug Out Bag

When it comes to being prepared for an emergency, one of the most important things you can do is have a bug out bag packed and ready to go. This bag should be packed with everything you need to survive for at least 72 hours. While there are many different items that you could pack in your bag, there are 10 essential items that should always be included. These 10 items will provide you with the basic necessities to help you survive in most emergency situations.

Items help you with the basic necessities

1.Water filter

The first item on our list is a water filter. In an emergency situation, clean drinking water is going to be one of your top priorities. A water filter will allow you to drink from almost any water source, without having to worry about getting sick.


Next on the list is food. Even if you only have enough for a few days, packing non-perishable food items is a must. Pack high-energy foods that will give you the sustenance you need to stay active and alert.

3.First aid kit

A first aid kit is another essential item for your bug out bag. This will come in handy if you or someone else is injured and needs medical attention. Be sure to include basic items like bandages, gauze, and antiseptic wipes.


A multi-tool is a great item to have in your bug out bag because it can be used for a variety of tasks. From fixing a broken zipper to opening a can of food, a multi-tool will help you out in many different situations.


5.Fire starter

In an emergency situation, being able to start a fire can mean the difference between life and death. A fire starter kit should include items like matches, lighters, and tinder.


If you find yourself in a situation where you need to spend the night outdoors, having a shelter is essential. A tent, tarp, or even a makeshift shelter made out of branches and leaves can provide you with the protection you need from the elements.


Pack extra clothing in your bug out bag, especially if you live in an area with extreme weather conditions. Be sure to include items like a jacket, gloves, hats, and extra socks.


A flashlight is another must-have item for your bug out bag. In an emergency situation, there may be power outages or other times when you need a light source. A flashlight will also come in handy if you find yourself stranded in the dark.

9.Map and compass

If you find yourself in an unfamiliar area, a map and compass can be a lifesaver. These items will help you orient yourself and find your way back to safety.

10.Battery-operated radio

A battery-operated radio is the last item on our list of essential survival gear. A radio can be used to stay up-to-date on weather and news reports, as well as for finding out information about evacuation routes and other important safety information.


The important of survival gear items

While there are many different items that you could pack in your bug out bag, there are 10 essential items that should always be included. These 10 items will provide you with the basic necessities to help you survive in most emergency situations. Having a bug out bag packed and ready to go is one of the most important things you can do to be prepared for an emergency. Make sure your bag includes a water filter, food, first aid kit, multi-tool, fire starter, shelter, clothing, flashlight, map and compass, and battery-operated radio. By having these items, you will be prepared for most emergency situations. Be sure to pack these items ahead of time so that you can grab your bag and go if the need ever arises.

What to do when don’t have these 10 things on hand?

If you find yourself in a situation where you don’t have these 10 essential survival items on hand, don’t panic. There are still many things you can do to increase your chances of survival. First, try to stay calm and think logically about the situation you’re in. If possible, try to find shelter and make sure you’re protected from the elements. Next, focus on finding a source of food and water. If you can’t find clean drinking water, try to purify water from a natural source like a river or stream. And finally, if you have the means, try to signal for help. A flare gun or mirror can be used to attract attention from rescuers who may be searching for you. Remember, the most important thing is to stay calm and use your resources wisely. With a little effort, you can increase your chances of survival in almost any emergency situation.

Additional tips to help you survive in an emergency situation

When it comes to surviving an emergency situation, it is important to be prepared and have a plan in place. By staying aware of your surroundings and being prepared for anything, you can increase your chances of making it through any type of emergency. First aid and knowing how to use your survival gear are also essential skills to have in an emergency situation. And finally, remaining calm and thinking logically can make all the difference in whether or not you survive an emergency. So remember, if you find yourself in an unexpected situation, stay calm and think things through carefully to give yourself the best chance possible of making it through alive.



When it comes to being prepared for an emergency, it is important to have a bug out bag packed and ready to go. This bag should be packed with everything you need to survive for at least 72 hours. While there are many different items that you could pack in your bag, there are 10 essential items that should always be included. These 10 items will provide you with the basic necessities to help you survive in most emergency situations. So make sure your bug out bag includes a water filter, food, first aid kit, multi-tool, fire starter, shelter, clothing, flashlight, map and compass, and battery-operated radio. By having these items on hand, you will be prepared for most emergency situations.

Bug out bags are an essential part of being prepared for an emergency. What other items do you think are essential for survival? Share your thoughts and ideas in the comments section below.